Supporting Spatial Thinking in Augmented Reality Narrative: A Field Study
This work is an evaluation of the StoryCreatAR tool kit with real authors, real narratives, and results from deploying that narrative as a public installation.
This work is an evaluation of the StoryCreatAR tool kit with real authors, real narratives, and results from deploying that narrative as a public installation.
I participated along side Shannon Myles in two "Ocean of Data" challenges, where we developed innovated solutions to specific ocean related problems. We were proud to be awarded the top entry in both challenges.
Story CreatAR is a tool that helps authors write immersive narratives for virtual reality.
MoveBox looks at using Azure Kinect / Kinect 2 to handle Motion Capture for the RocketBox library of virtual avatars. This project was led by Microsoft Research and I was pleased to collaborate with the EPIC group.